Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rights to Write

Writers in ancient times were known as the great creator (makers), philosophers, and constituters of society. Aristotle, Plato, Homer - to name a few-were glorified.
The Death of the Writer and the Death of the Reader
Art and literary works were considered as unique creations of the artists but for long time. People were serious about the purpose of producing art and literary works. Shakespeare, Milton, Hardy, Wordsworth, Keats, Dickens, Brontes, etc, bore a deep meaning. Dramas, novels, poetry, and books predominated society.
Now, in this era called the postmodernist, every Tom, Dick, and Harry or every Sonam, Tashi, and Pema is a writer. With the onset of computers, media and advancements in technology, television and computers are dominating society. People no longer believe in art and literary works bearing one unique meaning; they would rather believe in deriving their own meanings from pieces of art and literature. It is the time when everybody writes, but nobody reads. Interactive media and the Internet led to the distribution of knowledge.  Copying and preservation of art and literary works by the means of digital media is the means of an artist becoming less popular.
A dying reading habit because of modern amenities looks like there is no future for a writer. Our youth are carried away by ‘mouse,’ ‘robotics,’  ‘trends,’ ‘phoning phone,’  ‘dinky-hinky,’ ‘kinky-pinky’ life, nets, etc, not ‘inky-bingo’ life. And men are occupied by ‘minting monies,’ ‘gambling-wagering,’ ‘whoring-pourboire.’ Where is the scope of the writer to be appreciated in this environment?

I wish and is selflessly dedicate many writers to write, promoters to promote, readers to read, and to conquer by words. But the truth is readers have conquered words and words have no meaning to them. Writers, therefore, have a bleak future.

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