Showing posts with label Oh My God!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oh My God!. Show all posts

Friday, November 27, 2015

TA/DA Rush

Teachers outnumbered civil servants in Bhutan. So, when small opportunities like invigilator duty come, there is a rush.  We had a selection for invigilation last time, and it was lots of hullaballoo. Everyone wanted to go - when it was time for getting, but when it was time for work, nobody wanted to do. This is the nature of humans and the nature of (especially) Bhutanese.

I didn’t go for almost seven years, and when I tell them, they have many reasons. I have my say too – many, in fact, but they wouldn’t listen to my stand, I know. I remain silent. And it is better, everywhere. To voice a voice is different here. One is treated like a bad criminal. SHIT!

There were some criteria, and these criteria are meant for breaking. Only a few follows, and most of the time they were broken by the heads. There were some teachers who got even if they didn’t qualify for any criteria. Within the same year they went out with lots of TA/DA, but that same teacher qualified for the game. I don’t understand if it’s due to their sycophancies or some sort. And it’s unfair.

I have observed that opinions and suggestions are never respected. They are taken as negatives and often sailing against the current. I only feel if an opinion either respected in the western countries. But here, it is taken as aggressive, and negatives, and looked down. I feel, to improve and better our relationships, it’s very important to listen to others. BUT who listens. EEERRRR!