Trial Lesson Plan 2015
1. ‘What do you want?’ she asked him.
2. ‘Are you coming with us?’ he asked me.
3. He asked, ‘When do you intend to make the payment?’
4. ‘Do you come from China?’ said the prince to the girl.
5. The poor man exclaimed, ‘Will none of you help me?’
6. ‘Which way should I go?’ asked the little girl.
7. Alladin said to the magician, ‘What have I done to deserve so severe a punishment?’
8. ‘Don’t you know the way home?’ I said to her.
9. ‘Do you write a good hand?’ the teacher said to the student.
10. ‘Have you anything to say on behalf of the accused?’ said the judge finally.
11. ‘Have you anything to tell me, little bird?’ asked Ulysses.
12. ‘Who are you, sir, and what do you want?’ they asked.
13. The king was impressed with the magician and asked, ‘What can I do for you?’
14. She asked, ‘What is it that makes you stronger and braver than other men?’
15. ‘Can you solve this problem?’ he asked me.
1. She asked him what he wanted.
2. He asked me if I was coming/going with them.
3. He enquired when I/he/she intended to make the payment.
4. The prince asked the girl if she came from China.
5. The poor man exclaimed whether none of them would help him.
6. The little girl asked which way she should go.
7. Alladin asked the magician what he had done to deserve so severe a punishment.
8. I asked her whether she did not know the way home.
9. The teacher asked the student if he/she wrote a good hand.
10. The judge finally asked whether he/she had anything to say on behalf of the accused.
11. Ulysses asked the little bird whether it had anything to tell him.
12. They asked who he was and what he wanted.
13. The king was impressed with the magician and asked what he could do for him.
14. She asked him what was it that made him stronger and braver than other men.
15. He asked me if I could solve that problem.
Prepositions of Time: at, on, and in
Prepositions of Place: at, on, and in
Prepositions of Time: for and since
The three articles — a, an, the — are a kind of adjective. The
is called the definite article because it usually go before a
specific or previously mentioned NOUN, a and an are called indefinite articles because they are used to refer to something in a less specific
manner (an unspecified count noun).
is used with specific nouns. The is required when the noun it refers to
represents something that is one of a kind:
We use an before singular count-nouns that begin with vowels or vowel-like sounds (an apple, an urban blight, an open door).
Words that begin with an h sound often require an a (as in a horse, a history book, a hotel), but if an h-word begins with an actual vowel sound, use an an (as in an hour, an honor).
We would say a useful device and a union matter because the u of those words actually sounds like yoo (as opposed, say, to the u of an ugly incident). The same is true of a European and a Euro (because of that consonantal "Yoo" sound). We would say a once-in-a-lifetime experience or a one-time hero because the words once and one begin with a w sound (as if they were spelled wuntz and won).
Zero articles: Several kinds of nouns never use articles. We do not use articles with the names of languages ("He was learning Chinese." [But when the word Chinese refers to the people, the definite article might come into play: "The Chinese are hoping to get the next Olympics."]), the names of sports ("She plays badminton and basketball."), and academic subjects ("She's taking economics and math. Her major is Religious Studies.")
Principles of Choosing an Article
Choosing articles and determiners: Briefly defined, a determiner is a
noun-marker: when you see one, you know that what follows is a noun or noun phrase.
There is a list of such words in the table below. When you place your
mouse-cursor over a word or pair of related words (such as either/neither), you
will see in the right-hand frame an image describing the kinds of words that
word can modify.
Verbs are also classified as either finite or non-finite. A finite verb makes an assertion or expresses a state of being and can stand by itself as the main verb of a sentence.
Date: 23/4/2015
Topic: Punctuation
Class: V
Teaching Strategies: The use of Teaching Aids
and chalk board
Skills: Problem solving
-Define Punctuation
-Write importance of punctuation
-Learn different types of Punctuation
-Use punctuation
Tr. Gives eg. Of this sentence:
“Hang him, not let him free.”
-wrong use of comma leads to hanging of a
The word “punctuation” is derived from the
Latin word “punctum” which means a point. Hence punctuation
means putting the right kind of points in the right place so as to mark the
exact length and meaning of sentences.
Why do we punctuate?
Proper punctuation is
essential in written English to enable the reader to understand what it is you
are trying to say. Spacing with punctuation is also important to make your
writing readable.
Here are some English
punctuation rules.
or full stop…..(.)
and Brackets…….(…)
or Virgule……(/)
of different punctuations( Tr. Pastes the chart on the board and explains to
the students)
1. Full
Stop or Period
1. Use a full stop at the end of a sentence:
The man arrived. He sat down.
2. Use full stops with abbreviations (in an abbreviation
the last letter of the word and of the abbreviation are not the same):
Co. (Company)
etc. (et cetera)
M.P. (Member of Parliament)
2. Question Marks
1) A
question mark (?) is placed after a direct question.
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
2) A
question mark follows an interrogative sentence even if it is part of a larger
How could he do that? I wondered.
If a declarative or imperative sentence is intended to be interrogative, the
sentence ends with a question mark.
This is what we've been waiting for?
Exclamation Mark (!)
An exclamation mark usually shows strong feeling, such as
surprise, anger or joy. Using an exclamation mark when writing is rather like
shouting or raising your voice when speaking. Exclamation marks are most
commonly used in writing quoted speech. You should avoid using exclamation
marks in formal writing, unless absolutely necessary.
When to Use Exclamation
1. Use an exclamation mark to indicate strong
feelings or a raised voice in speech:
She shouted at him, "Go away! I hate you!"
He exclaimed: "What a fantastic house you
"Good heavens!" he said, "Is that
"Shut up!"
"Hi! What's new?"
"Oh! When are you going?"
"Ouch! That hurt."
3. A non-question sentence beginning with
"what" or "how" is often an exclamation and requires an
exclamation mark:
What idiots we are! (We are such idiots.)
How pretty she looked in that dress! (She looked
very pretty in that dress.)
4. In very informal writing (personal letter or
email), people sometimes use two or more exclamation marks together:
I met John yesterday. He is so handsome!!!
Remember, don't be late!!
I'll never understand this language!!!!
Remember, try to avoid exclamation marks in
formal writing such as an essay or business letter.
4. Commas
1. Use commas to separate
independent clauses when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating
conjunctions: and,
but, for, or, nor, so, yet.
The game was over, but the crowd
refused to leave.
The student explained her question, yet the
instructor still didn't seem to understand.
Yesterday was her brother's birthday, so she took him
out to dinner.
2. Use commas after introductory
a) clauses, b) phrases, or c) words that come before the main clause.
a. Common starter words for introductory
clauses that should be followed by a comma include after,
although, as, because, if, since, when, while.
While I was eating, the cat
scratched at the door.
Because her alarm
clock was broken, she was late
for class.
If you are ill, you ought to
see a doctor.
When the snow
stops falling, we'll shovel
the driveway.
Having finished the test, he left the
3. Use
commas to separate items in a list of three or more..
that an “item” may refer to a noun, verb, or adjective phrase.
Note:: Usage of a comma to separate the
second-to-last from the last item is optional.
Example:: I
need to buy eggs milk lettuce and bread.
I need to buy eggs, milk, lettuce, and bread.
5. Quotation
Marks (double, single) (“ ” ‘ ’)
We use quotation marks to show (or mark) the
beginning and end of a word or phrase that is somehow special or comes from
outside the text that we are writing. Quotation marks can be double
("...") or single ('...') - that is really a matter of style (but see
below for more about this).
Quotation marks are also called
"quotes" or "inverted commas".
1. Use quotation marks around the title or
name of a book, film, ship etc:
The second most popular book of all time,
"Quotations from the Works of Mao Tse-tung", has sold over
800,000,000 copies and was formerly known as "The Red Book".
'Titanic' is a 1997 movie directed by James
Cameron about the sinking of the ship 'Titanic'.
2. We use quotation marks around a piece of
text that we are quoting or citing, usually from another source:
In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of The English
David Crystal argues that punctuation "plays a critical role in the modern
writing system".
3. Use quotation marks around dialogue or
direct speech:
It was a moonlit night. James opened the door
and stepped onto the balcony, followed by Mary. They stood in silence for a few
moments, looking at the moon. Then Mary turned to him and said: "Do you
love me, James?"
Apostrophe (‘)
The apostrophe has three uses:
to form possessives of nouns
to show the omission of letters
to indicate certain plurals of lowercase
Forming Possessives of Nouns
To see if you need to make a possessive, turn
the phrase around and make it an "of the..." phrase. For example:
the boy's hat = the hat of the boy
three days' journey = journey of three days
three days' journey = journey of three days
If the noun after "of" is a
building, an object, or a piece of furniture, then no apostrophe
is needed!
room of the hotel = hotel room
door of the car = car door
leg of the table = table leg
door of the car = car door
leg of the table = table leg
Apostrophes are used in contractions. A
contraction is a word (or set of numbers) in which one or more letters (or
numbers) have been omitted. The apostrophe shows this omission. Contractions
are common in speaking and in informal writing. To use an apostrophe to create
a contraction, place an apostrophe where the omitted letter(s) would go. Here
are some examples:
don't = do not
I'm = I am
he'll = he will
who's = who is
shouldn't = should not
didn't = did not
could've= could have (NOT "could of"!)
'60 = 1960
I'm = I am
he'll = he will
who's = who is
shouldn't = should not
didn't = did not
could've= could have (NOT "could of"!)
'60 = 1960
8. Semicolon (;)
Rule 1
Use a semicolon in place of a period to
separate two sentences where the conjunction has been left out.
Call me tomorrow; I will give you my answer then.
Call me tomorrow; I will give you my answer then.
I have paid my dues; therefore, I expect all
the privileges listed in the contract.
Rule 2
It is preferable to use a semicolon before
introductory words such as namely, however, therefore, that is, i.e.,
for example, e.g., or for instance when they
introduce a complete sentence. It is also preferable to use a comma after the
introductory word.
You will want to bring many backpacking items; for example, sleeping bags, pans, and warm clothing will make the trip better.
You will want to bring many backpacking items; for example, sleeping bags, pans, and warm clothing will make the trip better.
As we discussed, you will bring two items;
i.e., a sleeping bag and a tent are not optional.
Rule 4
Use the semicolon to separate units of a
series when one or more of the units contain commas.
This conference has people who have come from Boise, Idaho; Los Angeles, California; and Nashville, Tennessee.
This conference has people who have come from Boise, Idaho; Los Angeles, California; and Nashville, Tennessee.
9. Colons
1) A
colon (:) is used to introduce series or lists.
The steps are as follows:
1. Construct
a triangle...
2. Connect
the points...
2) A
complete sentence, question, or long quotation is introduced with a colon.
One rule is supreme: Do not fire until the order is given.
B) I
quote from his recent speech: "In times such as this... our only option is
to declare war.
3) A
colon is used to introduce speech into a dialog, and after the introductory
address of a speaker.
Father: Has he asked you yet?
Jan: No, he hasn't asked yet.
Ladies and Gentlemen:...
Colons are used to separate the subtitle from the main part of the title.
Homecoming: The Earth's Call
The Troubled Partnership: A Re-appraisal of the Atlantic Alliance
10. Parentheses
The independent part of a sentence that is not directly related to the main
statement is enclosed in parentheses.
Three people (all in the fourth row) were talking loudly.
pool will be open until Labor Day. (Last year it closed August 15.)
Parentheses are used to enclose letters or numbers to count items in a series,
or with numbers or other symbols used appositively.
She traced the development of the symphony by using examples from the works of
1) Bach, 2) Beethoven, and 3) Mozart.
With each order of six (6), enclose a check or money order for three dollars
8) A
place name that is not part of an official name but is necessary in a sentence
is enclosed in parentheses.
The Springfield (Massachusetts) Museum shouldn't be confused as being the
Springfield (Illinois) Museum.
When the parenthetical matter is a complete statement, the punctuation comes
before the closing parentheses.
The pool will be open until Labor Day. (Last year it closed August 15.)
11. Capital Letters
1. Use a capital letter for the personal pronoun 'I':
What can I say?
2. Use a capital letter to begin a sentence or to begin
The man arrived. He sat down.
Suddenly Mary asked, "Do you love me?"
3. Use capital letters for many abbreviations and
G.M.T. or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
N.A.T.O. or NATO or Nato (North Atlantic Treaty
4. Use a capital letter for days of the week, months of
the year, holidays:
Monday, Tuesday
January, February
Armistice Day
5. Use a capital letter for countries, languages &
nationalities, religions:
China, France
Japanese, English
Christianity, Buddhism
6. Use a capital letter for people's names and titles:
Anthony, Ram, William Shakespeare
Professor Jones, Dr Smith
Captain Kirk, King Henry VIII
7. Use a capital letter for places and monuments:
London, Paris, the Latin Quarter
the Eiffel Tower, St Paul's Cathedral
Buckingham Palace, the White House
Oxford Street, Fifth Avenue
Jupiter, Mars, Sirius
Asia, the Middle East, the North Pole
8. Use a capital letter for names of vehicles like ships,
trains and spacecraft:
the Titanic
the Orient Express, the Flying Scotsman
Challenger 2, the Enterprise
9. Use a capital letter for titles of books, poems,
songs, plays, films etc:
War And Peace
If, Futility
Like a Virgin
The Taming of the Shrew
The Lion King, Gone With The Wind
10. Use capitals letters (sometimes!) for headings,
titles of articles, books etc, and newspaper headlines:
Activity I
Use appropriate punctuation marks in
the following sentences.
1. We had a great time in France the kids really
enjoyed it
2. Some people work best in the mornings others do better in the evenings
3. What are you doing next weekend
4. Mother had to go into hospital she had heart problems
5. Did you understand why I was upset
6. It is a fine idea let us hope that it is going to work
7. We will be arriving on Monday morning at least I think so
8. A textbook can be a wall between teacher and class
9. The girls father sat in a corner
10. In the words of Murphys Law Anything that can go wrong will go wrong
2. Some people work best in the mornings others do better in the evenings
3. What are you doing next weekend
4. Mother had to go into hospital she had heart problems
5. Did you understand why I was upset
6. It is a fine idea let us hope that it is going to work
7. We will be arriving on Monday morning at least I think so
8. A textbook can be a wall between teacher and class
9. The girls father sat in a corner
10. In the words of Murphys Law Anything that can go wrong will go wrong
1. We had a great time in France – the kids really enjoyed it.
2. Some people work best in the mornings; others do better in the evenings.
3. What are you doing next weekend?
4. Mother had to go into hospital: she had heart problems.
5. Did you understand why I was upset?
6. It is a fine idea; let us hope that it is going to work.
7. We will be arriving on Monday morning – at least, I think so.
8. A textbook can be a ‘wall’ between teacher and class.
9. The girl’s father sat in a corner.
10. In the words of Murphy’s Law: ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.’
2. Some people work best in the mornings; others do better in the evenings.
3. What are you doing next weekend?
4. Mother had to go into hospital: she had heart problems.
5. Did you understand why I was upset?
6. It is a fine idea; let us hope that it is going to work.
7. We will be arriving on Monday morning – at least, I think so.
8. A textbook can be a ‘wall’ between teacher and class.
9. The girl’s father sat in a corner.
10. In the words of Murphy’s Law: ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.’
Notebooks are corrected and feedbacks given
Date: 24/4/2015
Topic: Direct
Speech to Indirect Speech
Class: V
Teaching Strategies: The use of Teaching Aids
and chalk board
Skills: Problem solving
-Define Direct
Speech and Indirect Speech
-Learn different rules of Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Direct Speech to Indirect Speech problems
Give a sentence eg: “What is your name?” the
teacher asked.
Narration means the repetition of actual words of the speaker without any
change at all.
Narration means to convey the sense/ substance of the speaker’s words in
change a sentence into indirect narration, a set of rules is applied. These
rules are given below in the form of a table with examples.
Rules for
Changing Direct Speech to Indirect Speech
Removal of
Comma and
use of ‘that’
said, “I shall go there.”
said that he will go there.
( if reporting
verb is followed by an object)
said to me, “I shall go there.”
told me that he will go there.
( if
reporting verb is not followed by an object)
John said,
“My father is laborious.”
John said
that he father is laborious.
( in interrogative sentences, if the answer to the question is either
yes or no)
I said,
“Can you tell me the way to the hotel?”
I asked if
he could tell me the way to the hotel.
He said,
“Will you listen to such a man?”
He asked
them whether they would listen to such a man.
No use of that/ if -
If interrogative sentences begins with what/ when, etc.
said to me, “why are you late?”
asked me why I was late.
In reporting questions the indirect speech
is introduced by such verbs as asked, enquired, wonder, wanted to know.
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He said to
me, “Go out.”
He ordered
me to go out.
Change in
Commands –order, bid, warn/ Request-
request, implore/ Proposal- advice, proposed, suggest/ Prohibit- forbid/
Entreaty- entreat, pray, beg
In exclamatory sentences,
![]() |
He said,
“Alas! it is a heavy loss.”
exclaimed with sorrow that it was a heavy loss.
Reporting verb is changed according to the
feelings/ emotions of the reporting speech;
Hurrah!- joy/Pooh!-
contempt/Ah! Ah!- exclaimed with delight/Oh!- regret/ Alas!- sorrow/ Bravo!-
approval/ Ugh!- disgust/ What! Or Oh!- scorn
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Pem says,
“She is an intelligent girl”.
Pem says
that she is an intelligent girl.
He will
say, “I was busy”.
If verb of
reporting verb is in past tense, verb of reporting speech
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said, “She is reading a book”.
said that she was reading a book.
changes as per the norms given below;
shall - should, will- would, may- might,
can- could, is/am/are- was/were, come- came, in coming- was coming, has come-
had come, has been- had been
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He said,
“I play football every evening”.
He said
that he played football every evening.
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He said,
“I am playing football”.
He said
that he was playing football.
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He said,
“I have played football for two years”.
He said
that he had played football for two years.
Perfect Continuous
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He said,
“I have been playing football for two years”.
He said
that he had been playing football for two years.
![]() |
He said,
“I shall play football next year”.
He said
that he would play football next year..
![]() |
He said,
“I shall have played football for two years next June”.
He said
that he would have played football for two years next June.
In case of
habit/ universal truth
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said, “The earth goes round the sun”.
said that the earth goes round the sun.
Change in Personal Pronoun:
![]() ![]() ![]() |
said, “I am not telling a lie.”
said that he was not telling a lie.
He said to
me, “You are very happy.”
He told me
I was very happy.
He said to
me, “He went to Mumbai.
He told me
that he had gone to Mumbia
showing ‘nearness’ are replaced by the words showing ‘distance’.
Here there
This that
These those
Ago before
Tonight that night
night the previous day
Thus so
Now then
day following day
Today that day
Yesterday previous day
Tomorrow next day
Hither thither
Hence thence
In each of the following sentences A is
complete but B is incomplete. Complete B making it as similar as possible in
meaning to sentence A.
The teacher said, “ lets go on a picnic tomorrow.”
teacher proposed …………………………..
He said’ “let him go, I’m already late.”
He asked…………………………………………
They said, “ Shall we have a holiday tomorrow.”
They asked……………………………………….
The bagger said to him, “Give me something to eat.”
The bagger implored……………………………..
“Do you really come from China?” said the Prince.
The Prince asked…………………………………
“Do you write a good hand,” he said.
He asked…………………………………………….
He said, “My God! I am ruined.”
He exclaimed………………………………………..
He said, “What a pity! you did not come?”
He exclaimed………………………………………..
“Are their enough papers left Tenzin?” asked the teacher.
The teacher asked……………………………………
10. Sonam asked
me whether I played cricket.
Change in direct speech
11. He said that
he would go as soos as possible.
Change in direct speech
12. He said,
“Friends we should remain calm.”
He said that……………………………………………
13. “Would you
mind closing the window?” she said.
She asked……………………………………………..
14. He said,
“Ugh! He is a rascal.”
He exclaimed …………………………………………
15. “When does
the next train come?” I asked.
I asked…………………………………………………
Or this exercise…..
Turn the following sentences into
indirect speech.1. ‘What do you want?’ she asked him.
2. ‘Are you coming with us?’ he asked me.
3. He asked, ‘When do you intend to make the payment?’
4. ‘Do you come from China?’ said the prince to the girl.
5. The poor man exclaimed, ‘Will none of you help me?’
6. ‘Which way should I go?’ asked the little girl.
7. Alladin said to the magician, ‘What have I done to deserve so severe a punishment?’
8. ‘Don’t you know the way home?’ I said to her.
9. ‘Do you write a good hand?’ the teacher said to the student.
10. ‘Have you anything to say on behalf of the accused?’ said the judge finally.
11. ‘Have you anything to tell me, little bird?’ asked Ulysses.
12. ‘Who are you, sir, and what do you want?’ they asked.
13. The king was impressed with the magician and asked, ‘What can I do for you?’
14. She asked, ‘What is it that makes you stronger and braver than other men?’
15. ‘Can you solve this problem?’ he asked me.
1. She asked him what he wanted.
2. He asked me if I was coming/going with them.
3. He enquired when I/he/she intended to make the payment.
4. The prince asked the girl if she came from China.
5. The poor man exclaimed whether none of them would help him.
6. The little girl asked which way she should go.
7. Alladin asked the magician what he had done to deserve so severe a punishment.
8. I asked her whether she did not know the way home.
9. The teacher asked the student if he/she wrote a good hand.
10. The judge finally asked whether he/she had anything to say on behalf of the accused.
11. Ulysses asked the little bird whether it had anything to tell him.
12. They asked who he was and what he wanted.
13. The king was impressed with the magician and asked what he could do for him.
14. She asked him what was it that made him stronger and braver than other men.
15. He asked me if I could solve that problem.
Feedback and correction done.
Topic: The preposition
Class: V
Teaching Strategies: Lecturing and classroom
T/aids: chart paper, board, chalk, etc
-Tell the
meaning of preposition
-Use the preposition like; on, in, at, by,
for, etc
-Do some exercises
There is a pen on
the book
‘On’ shows the relation between
pen(noun) and the book(noun).
Today, we will study about the preposition?
then is a preposition?
Have a good look at the italicized words.
e.g., Tea with milk; tea without sugar.
I like a teaspoon of sugar in mine.
words join other words in a sentence. But they do more than that. They show the
relationship between words. For
example, “tea with sugar” means something different from “tea and sugar.” Can
you explain the difference? The italicized words in the above example are
called prepositions.
preposition is always placed before a noun or a pronoun to show what
relationship it denotes between a person or a thing.
Tr. Explains each preposition from the chart
paper containing some important prepositions.
l Above
l Across
l Around
l Behind
l Beneath
l Between
l Inside
l Next to
l Near
l On
l Over
l Past
l Toward
l Under
l Upon
Prepositions of Time: at, on, and in
We use at
to designate specific times.
The train is due at 12:15 p.m.

We use on
to designate days and dates.
My brother is coming on Monday.
We're having a party on the Fourth of July.

We use in
for nonspecific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year.
She likes to jog in the morning.
It's too cold in winter to run outside.
He started the job in 1971.
He's going to quit in August.

Prepositions of Place: at, on, and in
We use at for specific addresses.
Pema Wangchuk lives at Darla village in Chukha.

We use on
to designate names of streets, avenues, etc.
Her house is on Norzin Road.

And we use in
for the names of land-areas (towns, counties, states, countries, and
She lives in Gedu.
Gedu is in Chukha.
Chukha is in Bhutan.

Prepositions of Time: for and since
We use for when we measure time (seconds, minutes,
hours, days, months, years).
He held his breath for
seven minutes.
She's lived there for
seven years.
The British and Irish have
been quarreling for seven centuries.

We use since with a specific date or time.
He's worked here since
She's been sitting in the
waiting room since two-thirty.

The car was waiting…….at/on the gate.
She is fond ……of/in music.
We went to our house ……on/by foot.
She sat …..on/in sofa.
What is the time……by/in your watch?
Please wait …..for/in five minutes.
Someone is knocking……at/on the door.
Put ……of/off the light
Karma works in Thimphu… Bhutan.
10. We laughed
….at/on his jokes.
Summarize the lesson.
State importance of the preposition usage.
Tell students to look about other
prepositions like owing to, within, outside, in front, etc.
Topic: The Articles
Class: V
Teaching Strategies: Classroom Interaction
Skills: Critical Thinking
-Write three types of articles; a, an and
-Use correctly with the help of exercise.
-Tell diffecrences between indefinite and
definite article.
-Critically think on how/where to use the
Greetings and pause for a few seconds to gain
Introduce the topic.
The three articles — a, an, the — are a kind of adjective. The
is called the definite article because it usually go before a
specific or previously mentioned NOUN, a and an are called indefinite articles because they are used to refer to something in a less specific
manner (an unspecified count noun).
The moon circles the earth.
The is required when the
noun it refers to represents something named earlier in the text.
A newspaper has an obligation to seek out and tell the truth. There
are situations, however, when the
newspaper must determine whether the public's safety is jeopardized by knowing
the truth.
Another example:
"I'd like a glass of orange juice, please," John said.
"I put the glass of juice on the counter already," Sheila replied.
"I'd like a glass of orange juice, please," John said.
"I put the glass of juice on the counter already," Sheila replied.
When a modifier appears between the article and the noun, the subsequent article will continue to be indefinite:
"I'd like a big glass of orange juice, please," John said.
"I put a big glass of juice on the counter already," Sheila replied.
We use a before
singular count-nouns that begin with consonants (a cow, a barn, a sheep); When a modifier appears between the article and the noun, the subsequent article will continue to be indefinite:
"I'd like a big glass of orange juice, please," John said.
"I put a big glass of juice on the counter already," Sheila replied.
We use an before singular count-nouns that begin with vowels or vowel-like sounds (an apple, an urban blight, an open door).
Words that begin with an h sound often require an a (as in a horse, a history book, a hotel), but if an h-word begins with an actual vowel sound, use an an (as in an hour, an honor).
We would say a useful device and a union matter because the u of those words actually sounds like yoo (as opposed, say, to the u of an ugly incident). The same is true of a European and a Euro (because of that consonantal "Yoo" sound). We would say a once-in-a-lifetime experience or a one-time hero because the words once and one begin with a w sound (as if they were spelled wuntz and won).
Zero articles: Several kinds of nouns never use articles. We do not use articles with the names of languages ("He was learning Chinese." [But when the word Chinese refers to the people, the definite article might come into play: "The Chinese are hoping to get the next Olympics."]), the names of sports ("She plays badminton and basketball."), and academic subjects ("She's taking economics and math. Her major is Religious Studies.")
Principles of Choosing an Article
Choosing articles and determiners: Briefly defined, a determiner is a
noun-marker: when you see one, you know that what follows is a noun or noun phrase.
There is a list of such words in the table below. When you place your
mouse-cursor over a word or pair of related words (such as either/neither), you
will see in the right-hand frame an image describing the kinds of words that
word can modify.
Zero article (see table below) means either that no article would be
appropriate with that kind of noun or that that kind of noun can be used
(in that context) without an article.
Notice that there is a difference between a
"stressed" some or any and an "unstressed" some
or any. Consider the words in ALL CAPS as shouted words and you will
hear the difference between these two:
That is SOME
car you've got there!
I don't want
to hear ANY excuse!
opposed to. . .
We have some
cars left in the lot.
Isn't there
any furniture in the living room?
In terms of the words they usually modify,
the unstressed some and any do not modify singular count nouns.
1. This is _an__
easy question.
2. Please speak
_a__ little louder.
3. May I have your
_nil__ phone number?
4. David is _the__
best student in our class.
5. What is _the__
name of the next station?
6. He has _nil__
my car today.
7. I went to
_the__ sea during my summer vacation.
8. _The__ city
museum is closed today.
9. _An__ apple a
day keeps _the__ doctor away.
10. Do you have
_a__ dictionary that I can borrow?
Tr. recollects the lesson.
Ask few verbal questions
Stds activity corrected and feedbacks given.
Topic: The Sentence
Class: V
Skills: Speaking/Listening/Writing
Methods: Explanation/activity
-Understand what a sentence is
-Understand the kinds of sentences
-Frame sentences under each category
-transform sentences as directed
-carry out the given activity correctly
What a sentence is?
Tr. and students jointly get the definition.
A sentence is a group of words expressing a
complete thought or which makes complete sense.
Sentence can
be divided into FIVE kinds.

sentence has two essential parts: Subject and Predicate
The Subject
The subject of a sentence is the part about which something is
being said.
The flower
Ø Padma
The girls on the team were all good students.
The predicate of a sentence
is the part which says something about the subject.
Ø Yeatho told everyone about the wreck.
Ø Bidha plays the piano well.
simple subject is
the main word in the complete subject.
four new students arrived early.
Simple subject students
complete subject is the main word and all its modifiers.
Complete subject The four
new students
The simple
predicate, or verb,
is the main word or group of words in the complete predicate.
Sita’s sister took us bowling yesterday.
Simple predicate took
The complete predicate is the verb and all
its modifiers.
Complete Predicate took
us bowling yesterday
most important word in the subject in a sentence is the noun.
most important word in the predicate is the verb.
Sentences are of three types; Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences.
Sentence is
one which has only one subject and one predicate.
Example: He (Subject) was an honest
man. (Predicate)
is made up of two or more principal or main clauses.
Example: The
moon was bright and we could see our way.
The above are two sentences joined by the conjunction ‘and’. Each
has a subject
and a predicate of its own. Hence each part is what we call a ‘clause’.
and a predicate of its own. Hence each part is what we call a ‘clause’.
Sentence also
consists of two parts. One being the principal or main clause while the other
being a dependent or subordinate clause. (which cannot stand by itself)
Example: They rested when evening came.
clause ‘They rested’- makes sense. Subordinate clause ‘when evening
came’ – cannot stand by itself and make sense.
came’ – cannot stand by itself and make sense.
Stds are asked to make more eg of each type
of sentence.
Report to the class and discussed.
Topic: Transformation of
Sentences/Sythesis/Interchange of Senteces
Class: V
Teaching Strategies: Explanantion/activity
Skills: Speaking/writing
- Change the
mood of sentences.
-Complete the given task correctly.
A quick review of the content taught is done.
Then they are given set of sentences in each category to transform to the
suggested categories.
transformation of a sentence is the conversion of the sentence from one
grammatical form to another without changing its meaning. It provides a variety
to our expression and makes the sentence more varied and interesting. This can
be done as follows
1. Interchanging Affirmative Sentences into Negative Sentences
and Vice Versa
Affirmative: I was doubtful whether it was you.
Negative: I
was no sure that it was you.
Affirmative: He
is the cleverest boy in the class.
Negative: No other boy in the class is
as cleaver as he.
Affirmative: His students always respect
Negative: His students never disrespect
Affirmative: As soon as I entered the
stadium, the match started.
Negative: No sooner did I enter the
stadium, the match started.
2. Interchanging Interrogative to Affirmative Sentences and
Vice Versa
Interrogative: Which is a better
monument than the Taj in India?
Affirmative: No mountain is better than the
Taj in India.
Interrogative: Why waste time in
Affirmative: It is foolish to waste time in
3. Interchanging Exclamatory Sentences to Assertive Sentences
and Vice Versa
Exclamatory: Alas! my father is admitted to
Assertive: It is so sad that my father
is admitted to hospital.
Exclamatory: If only I was young again!
Assertive: I wish I was young again.
4. Conversion
of Simple Sentences to Compound Sentences and Vice Versa
Simple: Having
finished his work he went to bed.
Compound: He finished his work and he went to bed.
Simple: Inspite of his hard work, he could
not top the class.
Compound: He worked hard but he could not top the
5. Conversion
of Compound Sentences to Complex Sentences and Vice Versa
Compound: Leave home early
or you will miss the bus.
Complex: Unless you leave
home early, you will miss the bus.
Compound: He lost the race
but but he impressed all.
Complex: Though he lost the
race, he impressed all.
Compound: Search her
pockets and you will find a necklace.
Complex: If you search her
pockets, you will find a necklace.
6. Conversion
of Simple Sentences to Complex Sentences and Vice Versa
Simple:He is too weak to
walk on the road.
Complex: He is so weak that
he cannot walk on the road.
Simple: He expected to win
the tournament.
Complex: He expected that
he would win the tournament.
Simple: A dead man needs no
Complex: A man who is dead
needs no friends.
Simple: She will attend the
seminar with your permission.
Complex: She will attend
the seminar if you permit her.
Change into
What a beautiful scenery!
Assertive: It is a beautiful scenery.
Change into
Interrogative: Is man the noblest
creation of God?
Affirmative: Man is the noblest creation of
The students answers are gone through,
checked and corrected
Date: 12/5/2015
Topic: The Verb
Class: V
Teaching Strategies: General Lesson
Skills: Practice
-define verb in their own words
-underline different types of verbs
-use verbs with the agreement with the
-write differences between strong and weak
Recall the lesson taught
Introduce lesson
Write topic on the board
Verb is an expression of:
An action: He plays.
To play is an action performed by the doer ‘He”.
A state of
He stands here. ‘To’ stand is a state of being.
The root or plain form of any verb is the
infinitive. This plain form is altered in a variety of ways, depending on how
the verb is being used.
In English, only the third person singular
form of the verb is distinct from all the others; it is characterized by the
ending –‘s’ or ‘est.’ (he goes, she eats). The only exceptions to this pattern
are the frequently used auxiliary or helping verbs- shall, will, can, may,
The verbs which add‘d’ or ‘ed’ to their plain
form in order to form the past tense are termed as regular.
E.g. hear + d = heard play + ed = played
The verbs that do not form the past by adding
‘d’ or ‘ed’ to their endings are termed irregular,
e.g., drive=drove, catch=caught, etc.
The past participle of the verbs is formed by
adding‘d’ or ‘ed’ to the present or 1st form, i.e. it is the same as the past
tense form e.g. work, worked, worked. But in the case of irregular verbs, the
past participle is also formed irregularly e.g. to do-did, done, catch-caught,
caught; hit- hit; hit; go-went; gone;etc.
ü The present
participle which shows continuing action is formed by adding ‘ing’ to the plain
form of the verb, e.g, eating, playing, standing, etc.
ü When you are
not certain about the past tense or the past participle of a verb then look up
a dictionary. Any good dictionary will give you the formation of past and past
ü There are
auxiliary (helping) verbs which help the verb in information of tense or voice
or mood. The model auxiliaries are can, could, do, does, did, may, might, must,
shall, should, will, and would.
types of verbs
Verbs are classified in many ways. First, some verbs require
an object to
complete their meaning: "She gave _____ ?" Gave what? She gave money
to the church. These verbs are called transitive. Verbs that are intransitive
do not require objects: "The building collapsed." In English,
you cannot tell the difference between a transitive and intransitive verb by
its form; you have to see how the verb is functioning within the sentence. In
fact, a verb can be both transitive and intransitive: "The monster collapsed
the building by sitting on it."
Although you
will seldom hear the term, a ditransitive verb — such as cause or
give — is one that can take a direct object and an indirect object at
the same time: "That horrid music gave me a headache."
Ditransitive verbs are slightly different, then, from factitive verbs (see below), in that the latter take two objects.
Verbs are also classified as either finite or non-finite. A finite verb makes an assertion or expresses a state of being and can stand by itself as the main verb of a sentence.
truck demolished the restaurant.
leaves were yellow and sickly.
Non-finite verbs (think "unfinished") cannot, by
themselves, be main verbs:
broken window . . .
wheezing gentleman . . .
Another, more useful term for non-finite verb is verbal.
In this section, we discuss various verbal forms: infinitives, gerunds, and
In a grammatically correct sentence the verb must agree with
the subject and should be in the same number and person.
Basic Principle: Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural subjects
need plural verbs. My brother
is a
nutritionist. My sisters are mathematicians.
1. When two or more
singular nouns or pronouns are joined by ‘and’ the verb is plural.
a. Gold and diamond are precious metals.
b. Hate and jealousy are
human emotions.
c. Are you brother and sister at home?
2. If the two subject suggest one idea then the verb is
a. Bread and butter is
for breakfast.
b. Honour and glory is
his reward.
3. If two singular nouns refer to the same person or thing the
verb is singular.
a. My friend and guide has come.
b. The novelist and poet
is dead.
4. When two or more singular subjects are connected by or, nor,
either, … or, neither, … nor, the verb is singular.
a. No nook or corner
was left untouched.
b. Either the cat or the dog has been hit.
c. Neither praise nor blame seem
to effect him.
Exception to the
However when one
of the subjects joined by ‘or’, or ‘nor’ is plural, the verb is plural.
a. Neither the Chairman nor the Directors are interested.
b. Either Yonten or his brothers are to be blamed.
5. When two subjects joined by ‘or’, or ‘nor’, are of different
persons the verb agrees with the nearer.
a. Either he or I am
b. Either
my father or my brothers are
going to sell the house.
c. Neither my
brothers nor my father is going
to sell the house.
‘Either’, ‘neither’, ‘each’, ‘everyone’, ‘many’, must be
followed by a singular verb. The
indefinite pronouns anyone, everyone,
someone, no one, nobody are always singular and, therefore, require
singular verbs.
done his or her homework.
has left her purse.
Each of these substances is
found in the state.
Neither of the two man was
Many a man has
succumbed to the temptation.
7. A collective noun takes a singular verb when the collection
is thought of as one whole.
a. The committee has sent
its report.
b. The house has
elected the Chairman.
If the
collective noun implies the individuals of the collection then the verb is
a. The members of the committee are divided on one point.
8. When a plural noun which is also a proper noun for some
single object, or a collective unit it is followed by a singular verb.
a. Gulliver’s travel was
written by Swift.
b. The United State of America has a big army.
9. When a plural noun denotes some specific quantity or amount
as a whole the verb is generally singular.
a. Ten kilometer is a
long distance.
b. One hundred chueltrum is
equal to one nultrum.
10. When
two nouns are joined by ‘with’ or ‘as well as’ the verb agrees with the first
The mayor as well as his brothers is going to
Iron as well as
coal is found in Bihar.
The gangster with
all his men was killed.
11. As a general rule the verb agrees in number with the subject
of the verb i.e. if the subject is singular, verb is also singular.
a. The quality of the mango
is good (the subject being quality).
b. Many of his books were
destroyed (subject being books).
12. Some nouns are plural in form but singular in meaning hence
they take a singular verb.
a. The news is very
b. The wages of sin is
13. ‘None’ though properly singular in form but plural in
meaning takes a plural verb.
a. None are so deaf
as those who will not hear.
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