Sunday, December 25, 2011

Blog and block from blockage

There are many worlds in the net world. The world of Twitter to twit, the world to blog for the bloggers, the world of Facebook for face time or-faced and Google to goof off with unwanted information, and yahoo to tell you tai-ho-a. And other scores of inactive terms carping to click.

Blog. And what I would like to call, ‘Blog and block from the blockage’ of knowledge is the recent site I am using and it will be of another addition of fun and weight - the weight to my body as well as weight to my mind! Sitting in front of a laptop and writing, reading is rewarding for intellectual growth but blog, twit, goof…what's not in the body.

Anyways, hope to have a good time; what's matter, at last, is not health and wealth but good times. Thank you Monu Tamang, my sincere and dedicated student for introducing me. I believe in you and am proud of you.

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