Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Voice For Change

What is the freedom of speech? Do we really have the right to freedom of speech? The BCSR rules ruled out the freedom of expression. We are not free as we think. We are pressed into a silent dark world of tight rein. Controlled freedom is no freedom at all. A society devoid of freedom of expression is a society of camouflage, confidentiality, corruption, and hatred. If we don’t have freedom of expression, freedom to say rights things for wrongdoers if we don’t speak against it, where is the development? Where is the space for growth? What is there to fight for your rights then? Why is there bigotry in our close society? 

We don’t have absolute freedom as such and it is not necessary to be also in any country.
I have some excerpts from BCSR 2012.
3.2.7 A civil servant shall maintain the confidentiality of official information and decisions. A civil servant SHALL:
i. Uphold the duty of confidentiality at all times.
ii. Be as open as he is required with his immediate official colleagues about decisions and actions;
iii. Restrict certain information to protect wider interest; and
iv. Maintain confidentiality of information discovered in the course of duty, both while in service and after separation. A civil servant SHALL NOT:
i. Disclose information to an inappropriate person or system;
ii. Share information with anyone including his family until it is brought to public by the authority concerned or an authorised person; and
iii. Use information for personal gains.
3.2.8 A civil servant SHALL NOT:
i. Criticise or undermine policies, programmes and actions of the Royal Government in public and/or media.

I personally feel that if we maintain the confidentiality of some wrongs done by some officials/people, we are living in a camouflaged and masked group of people. What could be the consequence in a disguised society? For example, a person is being bullied in many ways by a head and if it gets un-reported, and if a person is blamed for wrongdoings for right things. Where is the fairness? Criticism and feedback are sources of rectification and development, if so there is no rule for them. I also feel that to permit the continued building of our politics and culture and to assure self-fulfilment for each individual, people must be guaranteed the right to express any thought, free from government censorship. I, therefore, feel that there is a need for change and amendment of some policies of BCSRs for a better working environment and quality inputs. These ploices have no scope to move further. We are reined.  If it is good for the people, society, country, one should learn to accept constructively.

Let me refer the Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It states that: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Freedom of speech always remains controversial. The freedom of information is also explicitly protected. We know this. There are clauses that governments may enact at reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions on speech for general protections, like, child pornography, speech that incites, or the use of untruths to harm others or slanderous, religious offence, racial offence, sedition, hatred, etc, and regulation of commercial speech such as advertising. Other limitations like rights for authors and inventors over their works and discoveries, copyrights and patent can also be restricted.

Freedom of information is an extension of freedom of speech where the medium of expression is the internet. It may also refer to the right to privacy in the context of the internet and information technology. Sites like Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, etc are sites of expression and they are accessible without censorship or restrictions of the web content.

As a human being, as a thinking man, as a lawful man, as a rightful man, as a right, one must know that  freedom of speech does not  includes in anyways, to incite actions that would harm others, to speak obscene words, and to bring a threat to one’s own society. We must be mindful of what we do or say.

Note: Some of the views are purely personal expressions of the author, and they may not be true always. And so they do not intend to hurt anyone explicitly, or implicitly.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

There is A Day

There is a day for everyone;
The sun will shine for me someday, like it has shone for you,
Happiness will come to me someday like it came to you,
Sucess will come to me someday like you have won,
Success will bear fruit for me someday, like it borne in you.
Everything will be different;
Flowers will bloom, and clouds will disperse…
Everything will be different;
Because you never saw the same things as I see.
You were different.
Don’t be different.

There is a day for everyone.
There is a day;
You will cry for me, like I cried for you.
There is a day;
You will miss me, like I missed you.
There is a day.
You will need me, like I needed you.
There is a day.
You will love me, like I loved you.
Everything will be different;
Love will affect, pains will hint, and hearts will melt…
Everything will be different;
Because you never saw the same things as I see.
You were different.
Please, don’t be different.

I tell you this;
Every time I was there around you
doing everything for your affection.
The same is so rare from you.
A heart's meant for one
But greeted with rejection.

I thought of us together,
But now I gave up,
I cried my tears, no one has won.
Aches fade, pains do too.
Of all, I cannot think of losing you.
All I see is you and me forever,
I will hold on and still, I will try.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Teacher is not a Cheater

I have been a teacher and I love to be (But as of now I have been doing other works more than teaching.) I have been learning to teach. I have been showing the world. I have been creating stories, poems, and minds. I have been acting to be an ethical, innovative, and usable one. I have been listening, reading, writing, and speaking. I have been making rules for the class, games, co-curricular activities and I have been a part of it. I have been a father. I have been a mother. I have been a servant. And for all of these, I have sometimes become a scapegoat.

Teaching is good but our system is no good at all. We don’t have support as such. There is no support from parents, the government, our management and society. Last time, after my studies, the Ministry of Education and the Human Resource Officers have brutally separated my family and me and placed me in a different place. I heard similar stories from others too. I don’t know what good is there to motivate teachers.

I laughed when other office agencies tell me that they are busy. I saw them busying the whole day on their Facebooking, chattings, gamings and making josh. I cannot kill the time if I were one of them. That’s why teachers like me are overburdened with responsibilities. We are multi-tasked. We should be a housemaster, warden, matron, sports instructor, organizer, dancer, singer, kicker, baller, etc, look after co-curricular activities besides teaching. We have no time for cheating. But we are paid very low and we are only paid for teaching. Besides all, there is an indicated expectation of improving the quality of teaching and education. What else could we expect from overworked, burned-out teachers with minimal wages and no proper working space? On the other hand, we have been bogged down with obligations.  MoE must initiate some careful interventions before it's too late to retain our teachers.

Teachers live in pathetic conditions. They don’t have quarters like other departments. They live in huts (Teachers where I am working live in huts). If you look at the working rooms, tables, chairs, etc, they are miserable than many low grades servants. They don’t have computers in front of them to make notes. Teachers are deprived of many facilities, where office workers enjoy a great deal.

Less innovative and less creative heads of the school judge gurujis on the level of outbound activities, like theirs lip services, kitchen gardening, etc, not teaching as such. There are loud-mouth non-performers who get the highest grade. The good, born and earnest teachers get demotivated at least.

To be continued…

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Beauty that Costs Her Life

Did you see an ugly beautiful? Did you see a beautiful ugly? A beautiful face with the ugliest characters. There is something in this; those who are ugly have a beautiful heart and are virtuous, and those who have beauty have substandard characters. Did you notice that? I have seen it in this nothing-to-do place; a very tiny-tipsy kind of place in Yebilaptsa. I have heard people saying so often there is something missing in Khengpas, and this is really true because I have seen it. People usually work less here, and they eat more here, in fact, they drink more. They think only about now and forget completely about the future’s prospects. They are living, and they are dying at the same time. They don’t have life as such. They don’t understand life, they don’t understand love, they don’t understand feelings, they don’t understand silences, they don’t understand stances. They live a jaunty, a perky kind of life.

You cannot have a beautiful woman, a woman who is virtuous, intelligent, and makes an idealized partner in life. If you have, you have an angel.

And most girls and women in this place are a truly disgusting. They don’t have anything – let me be frank-women don’t have anything as such in them. They don’t have women in them. They don’t have the brains to compete. They don’t have the energy to move ford. They don’t have anything inside of them. Because their character is loose. So loose that may ramify them. They don’t have integrity. NOTHING, I would like to shout at them, especially to that red girl. They only have faces – physicalities. That too is truly fabricated beauty. They paint faces like objects, and when they do, they objectify themselves. And this is what women of Khengpas are, they have NOTHING, but they act they have EVERYTHING.

In my life, I didn’t believe any ears. I am a good listener, but a very bad keeper. So, I have never thought that I have my own. I didn’t own anything as such. Only did I realize that I own someone when I got married. I have my precious wife and son now. I do believe in them. Anyways, this is another side of the story.

Now let me tell you about that Khengpa girl, who has a beautiful face, where anyone would fall at first sight, but truly, she does have repulsive characters - I should say. This is a small place. But there are many fishy things going on almost on a daily basis. There would be a boy asking the cell number of a girl in a bar shop. There would be cat and rat chases. There would be a boy showing off all the loftiness of his life. This is his valiance. Now, what is her valiance?  She doesn’t deserve this page or even a word if I were to be describing her characters. She stinks on my page. But if I were to describe her beauty, the pages would flower and smell. What is this beauty? John Keats says, “Beauty is truth, truth beauty, —that is all/Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” But there is nothing true in her beauty. She has worn a red V-sweater. She has a plumply- smiley –attractive - mesmerizing face. But this red girl acts like a bitch; a hungry bitch. She drinks pegs and pegs of Special Quarial, and throws ruses at her new boyfriend. Gross. She holds onto somebody's shoulder, and she literally embraces all. What a pity? She cries like a wounded bitch without any reason. She follows the boys and goes in search of her new boyfriend. She dares to shout the name of her boyfriend in the night. She dares to run plag-plag-plag like the highwayman in the night.

One night, she fought with her boyfriend. It was just outside my living room. They quarreled for some time and they threw some punches. I pressed my face towards a window glass, and all that I saw was a redshirt girl lying on the ground, throwing her feet and arms angrily towards the sky as she was shouting FUCK YOU. And I felt she had fucked her life herself. She is mannerless, characterless, and good for nothing. She can only live by selling her beauty; a beauty that costs so much pain to be borne by herself. A beauty that blemishes her life.